All about NUH donation
About us
We're a small, professional and friendly team based in a brand new, purpose-designed facility on the QMC campus known as NUH Life. Coming in to the unit to donate can seem daunting - so to help you feel completely comfortable and at ease, you can find out more about us below.
who we are

Set up in the 1970s, Nottingham was one of the first sperm banks in the country. Over the years, many NHS sperm banks have had to close due to uncertainties surrounding laws on donation and the struggle to find willing donors – but Nottingham has effectively maintained a small but successful sperm donation bank ever since.
We’ve recently relocated to a brand new, purpose-designed facility on the QMC campus, now known as NUH Life. We’re not a commercial sperm bank and we don’t make any profit – any surplus income is fed straight back into NUH.

We don’t just do sperm donation! We also do all initial male diagnostic testing for those trying to conceive, post-vasectomy follow-up, and we run the regional sperm storage facility for men undergoing sterilising cancer treatments.
We’re a small team of professionals – which means anyone coming in will get to know us all pretty quickly. Our team is friendly, approachable and creates a welcoming environment for anyone visiting.