Donor compensation rates are increasing
The HFEA has announced an increase in compensation for sperm donors to £45 per clinic visit from 1st October 2024.
What are the current limits, and why do we have them?
In 2011, UK law set a maximum rate of compensation for those donating sperm or eggs. The limits were put in place to ensure that donors are primarily motivated to donate through a desire to help others have a family, rather than being motivated by financial gain.
However, it was recognised that donors do incur expenses during the process of donating (eg travel expenses, time off work etc), and that they should be compensated for this. An upper limit of £35 was set– and this has not been reviewed or changed since 2011.
What are the new rules?
The HFEA has recently acknowledged that the compensation rates required an increase to ensure they take account of inflationary rises, and so have now adjusted the maximum limit to £45. The actual amount paid is at each individual clinic’s discretion, but clinics are not permitted to pay more than the upper limit.
What will I receive if I donate at NUH Life?
Good question! Obviously, you will receive more than just financial compensation: being a sperm donor is an immensely rewarding thing to do. Knowing you have helped others build a family is a beautiful accomplishment, and something you can be truly proud of!
But here at NUH Life, we really do appreciate the effort and time it takes our amazing donors to be part of our donation programme. For this reason, we will be increasing our expenses payment to the maximum limit of £45 per sample donated from the 1st October 2024 in recognition of your time and commitment.
Most sperm donors provide between 20-30 sperm donations over a period of 6-12 months– so the new compensation rates will ensure that you have an opportunity to give the amazing gift of life, without being left out of pocket yourself.
Interested in donating sperm?
Don’t delay – it can take 6-8 weeks to complete the screening process, so the new compensation rates will be in place for when you start donating your samples! Find out more information here, or get started and apply here.