Recipient Story: “Our dream became a reality”
This is a test excerpt
My wife and I are a same sex couple and we have always longed for a baby. Our dream became a reality back in 2018, thanks to the clinic in Nottingham QMC and to our wonderful Donor who helped us make our amazing little boy!
Going through any fertility treatment is a daunting process – it really is an emotional roller-coaster. We really felt comfortable and cared for at the clinic in Nottingham, the nurses were always at hand to answer my endless questions and concerns.
choosing a donor
One of our favourite parts of the process was getting to choose our donor. I remember receiving a list of three potential men. I laughed and said I felt it was like being on blind date!
After reading about the three guys, we both instantly knew it had to be number one. For some reason his description just jumped out at us, and we knew he was the one! I felt very emotional when we chose him.
It took us three goes and one missed cycle before we got our lucky positive test.

We now have a happy healthy toddler who is our world! We will be forever thankful to the clinic – and most of all to our donor. Although we don’t know any identifying information about him, we felt we should find out as much as we could and even reach out to our donor with letters which has been made possible at our request through the clinic. We feel it is and will be hugely important and beneficial to our son that he has as much information about his donor as possible. After all, he is a huge part of what makes him him! I believe all parents of donor conceived children should be as open with their children as possible.
It is our hope that when our son is 18 he will want to meet his donor so we can thank him in person. We are forever thankful to him and the amazing gift he has given us.